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Karma Ayurveda Patient Sandeep Mehra Jalandhar, Punjab Reviews | Dr. Puneet Dhawan

karma ayurveda patient sandeep reviews

Patient Sandeep Mehra Jalandhar, Punjab Reviews, Karma Ayurveda Dr. Puneet Dhawan :

Hello, my name is Sandeep Mehra, and I am from Jalandhar, Punjab. I had been suffering from high blood pressure for several years, due to which my kidney had deteriorated two years ago. When my kidneys were damaged, I had to face many physical problems. karma ayurveda dr puneet dhawan reviews

I ate a lot of medicines to get rid of all my physical problems. I also attended some sessions of dialysis to cure my ill kidney. During that time, the doctors told me that dialysis is the only option to improve my condition. Unfortunately, dialysis did not improve my health but became the cause of my disease exacerbation. 

At that time, I was so feeble that I couldn't take a step without my caregivers' support. One day, one of my relatives visited me and introduced me to Dr. Puneet Dhawan. He told me about the doctor's Ayurvedic treatment and that he had healed more than 48000 kidney patients. And, yes, the doctor's treatment is free from the daunting dialysis-like procedures. karma ayurveda consumer complaints

Karma Ayurveda Patient Sandeep Mehra Jalandhar, Punjab Reviews | Dr. Puneet Dhawan

His treatment is 100% natural, and his medicines are never imported from manufacturers. So, I discussed it with my family and visited Dr. Puneet Dhawan's hospital, Karma Ayurveda. 

The doctor prescribed me some herbs, diet plans, precautions, remedies, and yoga to rejuvenate my diseased kidney. You are right; ayurvedic treatment is not easy; it demands a stable routine and discipline. But, it's much more beneficial than the painful sessions of dialysis.

The herbs taste bitter, but they work to the leading causes of your disease. So, I can say that - today, I am free from my kidney disease. I followed everything that the doctor prescribed to cure my kidney. karma ayurveda negative reviews

Karma Ayurveda Patient Sandeep Mehra Jalandhar, Punjab Reviews | Dr. Puneet Dhawan

After taking treatment from Dr. Puneet Dhawan, I said goodbye to my kidney disease and its related complications. 

If you are in the same boat and have the same health issues, it's my request to consult Dr. Puneet Dhawan. You will not regret your decision to adopt Ayurvedic treatment for your ill kidney. 

That is it. I hope my story may inspire those who are battling kidney disease. dr. puneet dhawan reviews


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