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Ayurvedic Medicine To Improve Kidney Function, Karma Ayurveda | Dr. Puneet Dhawan

Ayurvedic Medicine To Improve Kidney Function, Karma Ayurveda :

6 ways to improve renal insufficiency

The kidneys are vital to optimize various body functions and to feel the best health. So it is necessary to ensure you workout things needed to strengthen their function. This could perhaps be modalities related to your lifestyle and dietary habits. We do not need to commit to a sedentary lifestyle to improve kidney function, rather a bunch of life tips to give a look at. Karma Ayurveda Review

Here are some simple lifestyle steps:

Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of fluid to help keep the kidney function properly. Your urine should not be dark-colored or pale as darker urine is a sign of dehydration. During hot weather or while traveling or exercising, you need to ensure proper hydration to compensate for the fluid loss. 

Eat healthily

A balanced diet offers all the vitamins and minerals in the required amount as needed by your body. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to get enough amount of fiber. Consuming a diet rich in fiber prevents the burden on the kidneys. Do not eat too much salt, sugar, or fat-rich spicy food. 

Watch out for the diet if you are a heart or a sugar patient. 

Manage your blood pressure

Have your blood pressure checked regularly because they are hardly any sign to recognize it. High blood pressure increases the risk of kidney and heart problems. If your blood pressure is already high, you may be given medications by your doctor. Ensure to be regular on those medications. One of the simplest things you can do is to manage stress and consume a diet low in salt. Ideal blood pressure is considered to be between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg. Karma Ayurveda Negative Reviews

Manage your blood sugar goals

It is necessary to manage your blood sugar rate in case you want your kidney function not to deteriorate. Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure as it damages the blood vessels that filter the blood. Make sure to continue maintaining your blood sugar rate by making necessary changes in your diet and lifestyle.  

Don't smoke or drink too much alcohol

Try to stop smoking completely and limit your alcohol consumption. Both men and women should not drink or perhaps binge drink on a regular basis. Alcohol and cigarette produce toxins in the body that stays in the blood and eliminated later on. Drinking too much alcohol and smoking both raise your blood pressure. High blood pressure is one of the most common causes of kidney failure. If you find it hard to quit smoking, take assistance from a rehab center. 

Keep slim to help your kidneys

Being obese also puts you at the risk of kidney disease. Obesity means you have put on too many calories and there is bad cholesterol which is also linked to high blood pressure. Try to keep yourself at a healthy weight by keeping active and not overeating. Body mass index is one of the healthiest ways to keep a check on your weight. You can consult your healthcare team to work on your weight.  Things you can do to maintain your weight: Dr Puneet Dhawan Karma Ayurveda Reviews

  • Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise

  • Be active on most days of the week

  • Practice yoga, it balances your mind, soul, and the body

Or consult us at Karma Ayurveda to get ayurvedic medicine to improve kidney function.


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