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Karma Ayurveda Patient Ankita Goel kidney treatment reviews | Dr. Puneet Dhawan

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Patient Ankita Goel kidney treatment reviews, Karma Ayurveda, Dr. Puneet Dhawan :

Hello, my name is Ankita Goel and I am a mother to 12 years young boy. Given my family, I always make sure to stay on a healthy diet because if I am diseased how I would be able to take care of my health. For my family, I need to stay on top of my health. karma ayurveda consumer complaints

I do this ritual by following a healthy diet plan and sticking to physical activity. They say, when you are a mother, you become patient and unconditional love for your family. This is the power of a woman, who when works can overpower any disease or any adverse situation with dedication. Through this blog post, I have shared my journey from a kidney patient to a kidney disease survivor. 

So, my life was going well until I got to know about my kidney disease. At that time, I faced some problems like puffy eyes, swollen legs, severe headache, loss of interest in eating, and weakness. On the same side, sometimes I observed my urine turning dark-colored and having a foamy appearance. I thought all these were the side effects of hormonal changes due to periods. 

Karma Ayurveda Patient Ankita Goel kidney treatment reviews | Dr. Puneet Dhawan

One day, when I visited my cousin’s home, he looked at my health and started questing. Well, it was he who noticed my health was not accurate. My skin was turning pale and there were other signs also which made me think that I had a problem inside. karma ayurveda fake fraud scam

So, calling for a full body checkup was the need of the hour. On the 12th of December 2019, my husband fixed an appointment with a nephrologist near to our local. He prescribed me some tests to gauge the functioning of my kidneys. 

After three or four days, the doctor called and told me about my kidney disease. He then told me about the signs were the uremic symptoms of kidney disease. The most important thing the doctor informed me was kidney disease could have been in my genes because I had no relevant cause to trigger renal insufficiency.

Karma Ayurveda Patient Ankita Goel kidney treatment reviews | Dr. Puneet Dhawan

I started my treatment with the same doctor. After 15 days of taking allopathic treatment, I felt like I am going back to square one. At that time, I searched for an alternative to allopathic treatment, and my Google hunt led me to Dr. Puneet Dhawan on YouTube. I watched all of his testimonial videos and decided to consult him. karma ayurveda patient reviews feedback

On the 31st of January 2020, I visited Karma Ayurveda, when my creatinine and other electrolytes were not in their normal range. The doctor prescribed Ayurvedic medications, remedies, a customized diet plan, yoga stances, and precautions according to my agonies and kidney condition. 

It may be hard to believe, but it is true that with the help of Ayurvedic treatment, I got rid of the complications of the disease. My creatinine and other electrolyte levels came down to a normal range. 

Karma Ayurveda Patient Ankita Goel kidney treatment reviews | Dr. Puneet Dhawan

It's the 28th of September, 2020, and I am completely free from kidney disease and its related complications. Still, I am taking all the precautions to ward off infections and diseases. On the same side, I practice yoga to sustain the betterment of my brain and body. I am still following a renal-friendly diet chart to maintain a disease-free life. karma ayurveda negative reviews

I request all those ladies who are giving their 100 percent to fulfilling the needs of their family members. Please pay attention to your health, and do everything to maintain your healthy living. Anything compromised will lead a toll on your family members. Always remember that your health is significant for you and your family. 

I request all those people who have kidney disease and want a complete kidney disease remission, adopt Ayurveda. The hospital and the staff, including Doctor Puneet Dhawan, are very caring. dr puneet dhawan kidney specialist reviews


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