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Serum Creatinine High Treatment By Ayurveda | Dr. Puneet Dhawan

Which is the most suitable serum creatinine high treatment? 


Creatinine is a type of natural waste that is produced by the liver and present in your blood. Through the bloodstream, this waste reaches to your kidneys. Kidneys expel out this waste from your blood and other wastes through the urine while transferring purified blood and essential nutrients to the heart. In this process, a little creatinine amount is present in your blood that is not harmful. karma ayurveda consumer complaints, review feedback

Whenever your creatinine level goes high, it is linked to poor kidneys’ health. Sometimes, serum creatinine level can go high temporarily due to strenuous workout, high animal protein consumption, stress, condition of dehydration, and many more. In these conditions, a temporary serum creatinine rise is not problematic and doesn’t require any treatment.

But if your serum creatinine is high significantly for more than an average time, it indicates any severe kidney problem. Serum creatinine high treatment in Ayurveda is the most effective method to reduce and normalize this waste’s level in your blood.

High Serum Creatinine level: Symptoms and Diagnosis 

Now, the question arises, how can you determine your creatinine level in the blood. When your serum creatinine level increases significantly, it causes many complications in your body, but in most high creatinine cases, a patient doesn’t develop any symptoms. However, a patient may experience nausea, high blood pressure, fatigue, muscle cramps, pain in the chest, changes in urine output and appearance, vomiting, itchiness, and body swelling, etc. Is karma ayurveda fake, scam fraud

Additionally, by conducting some medical laboratory tests, your nephrologist can measure your serum creatinine level. Serum Creatinine test and Creatinine clearance test are the two standard tests commonly used to figure out any kidney problem responsible for increasing your creatinine level in the blood.

In these tests, the Serum Creatinine test is conducted for measuring the level of creatinine present in your blood. On the other hand, the Creatinine Clearance test helps determine which rate your kidneys are expelling out creatinine from your blood. The average creatinine clearance is 110 to 150 mL/min in a normal adult male and 100 to 130 mL/min in a healthy female.

If your kidneys cannot meet this range, it signifies that there is some problem with your kidneys’ functionality, and they are not working usually. This situation requires an early diagnosis and an expert treatment to get rid of all its complications and the disease efficiently.

What treatment does help reduce the high creatinine level?


As far as a modern healing treatment system for high creatinine is concerned, this treatment way takes the help of dialysis, a type of equipment based procedure that helps clear out wastes from your blood. Along with that, a patient is also recommended to take some medicines. This conventional healing method doesn’t offer a permanent solution as a patient has to take dialysis frequently if he is suffering from high creatinine complications. Eventually, according to Allopathy, when your kidneys get damaged completely, one needs to follow a kidney transplant with some prescribed medicines. dr puneet dhawan kidney sepcialist karma ayurveda reviews

On the contrary, if we talk about irregular or ancient healing, Ayurveda can offer a better serum creatinine high treatment.

Ayurveda is the most ancient healing science that believes in curing a health problem permanently, and therefore it acts upon the root causes of a health problem. In the condition of high serum creatinine, Ayurveda follows its ancient and holistic healing program to help patients get rid of all their complications. Consequently, Serum Creatinine high treatment in Ayurveda reduces the level of this waste in your blood by making your kidneys healthy and well-working once again.

In normalizing your serum creatinine, Ayurvedic treatment utilizes the efficacy of natural herbs, ancient therapies, and also some lifestyle alterations. As a result, serum creatinine high creatinine in Ayurveda lowers your creatinine level naturally and doesn’t negatively impact your health.

Contact an expert Ayurvedic kidney hospital that can offer you with the best serum creatinine high treatment.


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