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Karma Ayurveda Patient Sumit Mehto Feedback Reviews | Dr. Puneet Dhawan

Patient Sumit Mehto Feedback Reviews Karma Ayurveda  - Dr. Puneet Dhawan :

Hey readers, this is Sumit Mehto, and basically, I belong to the western part of the state, Bihar. For survival and earning butter and butter for my family, I have been in Delhi for decades. I am here to share my personal experience, not to tell a story. Yes, you have heard right; each word of this post reflects the life journey of a kidney patient who fought and defeated an insane kidney problem naturally. "Karma Ayurveda Patient Sumit Mehto Feedback Reviews, Dr. Puneet Dhawan". Karma ayurveda negative feedback reviews

Everything was going well, but I hadn’t ever thought that I might get any severe health problems as I hardly eat junk, packaged, or outside foods. But I had a bad habit of drinking and smoking. I used to do such practices most often. After smoking and drinking for years, I released that I had become mentally weak as problems such as irritation, getting angry even on small things or issues, loss of focus were the problems that I started to notice. Even I was not able to sleep like a normal person. When I reached an experienced doctor in my known, he prescribed me some medicines and also told me to follow some medical tests. I began taking his medications and also took the tests he had prescribed. "Karma Ayurveda Patient Sumit Mehto Feedback Reviews, Dr. Puneet Dhawan".

In the next visit, I gave him my test reports and also told him that there was no significant improvement in my health. He listened to me carefully and asked me about my routine. When he analyzed my reports, he was looking shocked. I asked him what happened; everything is okay? He put down my reports on his table and replied with a No. He said that your kidneys were not working well, and they need an immediate cure. He said that some of your kidneys’ section has damaged, and that’s the reason for your complications.

"Karma Ayurveda Patient Sumit Mehto Feedback Reviews, Dr. Puneet Dhawan".

Firstly, I became despair after hearing that my kidneys had some damage, but I controlled my emotions and asked him the cure for the problem. He told me that you need to follow dialysis with some medications. He also said that if your condition became better, then your dialysis frequency would be reduced. But if dialysis doesn’t make any difference in your health condition, then you could require a kidney transplant. I was more shocked to hear about these procedures as I have heard about the side-effects of these procedures. karma ayurveda scam fraud treatment

My consciousness was not allowing me to follow these procedures, so I asked him about a better alternative to Allopathic therapies. Firstly, he told me that no therapies could work better as these are proven procedures and can help in the management of severe kidney problems. But he also told me that you could also try Ayurveda but at your own risk. He added, this treatment has a slow effect on your body and economical as compared to Allopathy. It was something that I was looking for.

As I didn’t have any scope to take a chance so firstly, I searched the internet deeply and found that Ayurveda is the best cure for kidney problems. In my further searches, I found an Ayurvedic kidney hospital that has a good track record of curing kidney patients, and it has cured thousands of patients. Seeing the number of patients cured by Karma Ayurveda, I was sure to take treatment from this hospital.

"Karma Ayurveda Patient Sumit Mehto Feedback Reviews, Dr. Puneet Dhawan".

I contacted Karma Ayurveda and started taking treatment from this Ayurvedic institution. After a month of treatment, I experienced the effect of the treatment as I was feeling better physically and mentally. My body problems were also going mild, and after continuing the treatment, I got permanent relief as all my complications were gone. In my reports, the functionality parameters had also improved, which means my kidneys started working well again. Hence I became healthy again and was capable of doing all the tasks a normal person can do. dr puneet dhawan kidney specialist reviews

At present, I am doing well in all aspects of life, be it work, family, or friend circle. I am so thankful to Karma Ayurveda. I hope it also can work wonder for you, so try it if you have any kidney problem.


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