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Karma Ayurveda Complaints - Patient Pranjal Sharma Kidney Treatment Review

Karma Ayurveda Patient Pranjal Sharma Kidney Treatment Review : Dr. Puneet Dhawan.

Hey Readers, this is Pranjal Sharma from a small district in Uttarakhand. I was a teacher in a primary school in my district. After school time, I threw classes to students of my as well as some neighboring villages. In short, I was a teacher cum social activist and loved to take place in the activities to aware and empower society. After years of service, I got affected by a kidney disease called chronic kidney disease. "Karma Ayurveda Consumer Complaints, Patient Pranjal Sharma Kidney Treatment Review - Dr Puneet Dhawan".

I came to know about this problem when I took tests for some common complications I was feeling those days. The doctor told me that you are at the third stage of this kidney problem which means around 50-60 percent of my kidneys had been damaged. Though I was not worried about myself my family was the main reason for my worrisome. Anyway, I thought of fighting this health problem as I used to fight for the social odds. "Karma Ayurveda Complaints, Patient Pranjal Sharma Kidney Treatment Review - Dr Puneet Dhawan".

"Karma Ayurveda Complaints, Patient Pranjal Sharma Kidney Treatment Review - Dr Puneet Dhawan".

In the same content, I talked to most of the people in my contact. Some of them suggested me to contact nephrologists in their known while others were praying for my long life and so on. But one of my senior friends told me about Ayurveda. Initially, I was surprised to hear about Ayurveda as I believed that it’s a home-remedies based treatment and can’t be helpful in fatal health problems. But I was totally wrong. When I asked my son to gather some information about Ayurveda in kidney disease cure, he told me some amazing facts about Ayurveda. "Karma Ayurveda Complaints, Patient Pranjal Sharma Kidney Treatment Review - Dr Puneet Dhawan". Dr Puneet Dhawan Kidney Specialist Reviews

As per his browsing, he told me that many websites and posts were stating that Ayurveda has the best healing approach to cure kidney problems as compared to modern healing therapies. And it’s also free from any risky surgery and side-effects on your health. When I asked him to search about the best Ayurvedic kidney treatment hospital, I heard the name of Karma Ayurveda that was based on his extensive search. He made me understand why we should choose this Ayurvedic hospital and also tell me a huge number of patients who took treatment from Karma Ayurveda and got relief. "Karma Ayurveda Complaints, Patient Pranjal Sharma Kidney Treatment Review - Dr Puneet Dhawan".

Thus, we arrived Karma Ayurveda after taking an appointment. We met Dr. Puneet Dhawan who was the main doctor there. My kidney disease treatment started under his expert guidance and that worked as a boon for me. Hardly in 5-6 months of treatment from Karma Ayurveda, I experienced significant relief in all my complications and my reports were showing a great sign of my improvement as my kidneys were working normally again. "Karma Ayurveda Complaints, Patient Pranjal Sharma Kidney Treatment Review - Dr Puneet Dhawan".

"Karma Ayurveda Consumer Complaints, Patient Pranjal Sharma Kidney Treatment Review - Dr Puneet Dhawan".

So, Karma Ayurveda’s Ayurvedic treatment proved a boon for me as it helped me get my normal kidney health in my early 60s. Now, I am doing all the tasks that I was doing earlier before my disease; all credit goes to Karma Ayurveda that gave me around 10-15 years more to live on the earth. Karma Ayurveda Kidney Treatment Reviews

You can also take my journey as an example that you can also fight kidney problems and get your natural kidney function back if you choose Karma Ayurveda’s Ayurvedic treatment. "Karma Ayurveda Complaints, Patient Pranjal Sharma Kidney Treatment Review - Dr Puneet Dhawan".


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